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Ethics research paper

Ethics research paper

ethics research paper

7/31/ · Apart from the general ethics, the paper also examines the ethical issues researchers in India must keep in mind while conducting research. Through this paper Ethical Egoism Research Paper Topics A comparison between ethical Egoism versus virtue ethics Ethical Egoism: A philosophical position Crime and Ethical Egoism Contrast between Ethical Egoism and Psychological Egoism Impact of ethical Egoism in business Thoughtful commentary on ethical Egoism Ethics Ethics Research Paper Abstract. Ethics, as a philosophical discipline, was first structured and systematized in ancient Greece, most Introduction. Ethics, as the thought of Man about his action, is as ancient as Man itself. An evolutionist perspective From The Need Of Ethical Universalism To

20 Topics and Ideas for Research Paper on “Ethics” |

This sample Ethics Research Paper is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need help writing your assignment, please use our research paper writing service and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price.

Also check our tips on how to write a research papersee the lists of ethics research paper paper topicsand browse research paper examples. Ethics, as a philosophical discipline, was first structured and systematized in ancient Greece, most particularly by Aristotle. Its evolution throughout history is marked by some important shifts, among which two stand out: from a heteronomous ethics to an autonomous ethics and from a necessary universalism to a proposed relativism, each one having different impacts on bioethics.

Ethics, as the thought of Man about his action, is as ancient as Man itself. An evolutionist perspective shows that as Man began to free himself from the deterministic laws of nature, he started to exercise his own will; at the same time, his action was no ethics research paper innate and therefore universally identical, dictated by instinct, and absolutely predictable and became a singular option following a particular deliberation process, and sometimes presenting itself as unexpected and always individual.

From then on, Man had to face a plurality of ways of action, to establish criteria for the decision-making process, to assume his own liberty to act, and to bear the consequent ethics research paper for his actions.

This thought about action constitutes ethics research paper at its most spontaneous and indeclinable level a qualitative difference from all animalsan ethica utens that is morality as it is daily ethics research paper by all, or, according to the German ethics research paper Albert of Saxony who first used the expression in the 13th century, ethics as a rule of life; ethica utens was then opposed to ethica docens, which is a subject matter for teaching a philosophical reflection, analytical and critical, about action.

Ethics is a philosophical discipline that was established as such by Aristotle, in the 3rd century BC. Intense spirituality, centered in human behavior, ethics research paper lived in more ancient times by peoples in India or in Asia, was not enough to give birth to a new discipline, which needed Greek rationality.

The constitution of a new discipline also requires a new and particular ethics research paper, an adequate methodology to study it, and a specific terminology to understand and refer to it. For ethics research paper, actions of charity make the person who acts charitable. Finally, Aristotle also established a system of well-defined and interrelated concepts to explain the morality of human action, the accomplishment of good, ethics research paper, and the perfection of the human being.

From then on, ethics was differently defined throughout history. The methodology of ethics prevailed: to uncover the rationality of human action establishing the requirements of morality within a ethics research paper horizon, the only one that can guarantee the credibility and validity of moral rules.

But the ethical systems changed through time, gaining more and new concepts to think about new human realities in the world and to communicate them. An example would be the constellation of four concepts needed in ancient Greek philosophy to explain moral life — good, end, happiness, and virtue — to which medievalism added the concept of God, modernity the concept of liberty, and contemporaneity the concept of responsibility.

Relevance begins to be given not only to the good but also to duty, not only to virtues but also to values, not only to ends or goals of action but also to principles, and, more recently, not only ethics research paper principles and ends but also to procedures and not only to rights but also to obligations.

Ethics originally heteronomous, being given to Man from a higher entity: Nature or Godbecomes autonomous, being made by Man to Man. Sometimes ethics seems to fall into the temptation of becoming relativistic, merely dictated by circumstances time, space, cultureand rejecting all attempts of universality, which would simply lead ethics to implode itself, giving way to an emptiness of values, to nihilism.

Finally, ethics research paper, ethics turned out to be applied to many different concrete fields of human activity — engineering, media, economics, politics, etc. Throughout this process of more than twenty-four centuries, ethics has always been and still is ethics research paper rationalization of human action the logic underneath human actions concerning the principles it is grounded ethics research paper, the ends it aims toward, and the processes it entails.

A very brief overview of the history of moral thought must unanimously highlight two well-known benchmarks: Aristotle and his heteronomous teleological ethics of good and Kant and his autonomous and deontological moral of duty. These are two different proposals of rational intelligibility of human action both developed within a universal framework.

The fall of the ethical universals should also be seen as a benchmark and an unavoidable reference even if on a brief historical note, especially because it opens the way to moral relativism which threatens the morals itself. It is important to characterize, although briefly, the system Aristotle developed and that influenced moral thought throughout history until today and to stress its impact in the field of bioethics, specifically in the theoretical-practical models of bioethics. The Aristotelian perspective of ethics can be summarized as the itinerary that Man has to take from his current state to the achievement of the Supreme Good and Final End.

This is a path that Man gradually conquers by accomplishing a hierarchy of minor goods and intermediate ends, through actions that progressively shape his character or way of being, leading him along a process of perfection and of personal flourishing that will only end with his death. The gradual achievement of perfection corresponds to the gradual reaching of happiness. The level of happiness corresponds to the level of perfection in a rigorous coincidence between Supreme Good, Final End, Perfection and Happiness.

This path is followed through the practice of virtues, ethics research paper and dianoetic virtues. Ethics research paper or intellectual virtues depend on the level of knowledge; ethical virtues or virtues of character consist in a mean or intermediate behavior between two extremes, one by excess and the other by default. This intermediate way is not one geometrically established, equal to all Man, ethics research paper. The perspective of ethics as a search for the Good and its fulfillment, in the wake of Aristotle and developed by Christian philosophers, describes the history of moral thought until Kant, prevailing influential until today and, namely, in the field of bioethics.

On what concerns the first point, the nature of two bioethical core principles should be stressed. Indeed, the so-called principles of medical ethics or Hippocratic principles — beneficence and nonmaleficence the latter absent from the Hippocratic corpus — go deep into the moral thought of ancient Greece which Aristotle originally systematized: both being good driven and consequentialist.

On what concerns the importance of the good character and of the virtues that build it, ethics research paper, it should be stressed that virtues also remain necessary in bioethics, even in principlist theories, because they add excellence to the fulfillment of rules and ensure the good decision in singular situations for which the known principles do not fully apply. Edmund Pellegrino and David Thomasma are the most prominent representatives of the Aristotelian influence in bioethics.

Most theoretical-practical models of bioethics from the s and s, at the beginning more principle oriented, have evolved to integrate and to value virtues. Immanuel Kant moves from the Aristotelian model of a ethics research paper grounded ethics of good to a rationally determined ethics research paper of duty. By doing so, he expected to formulate a moral law ethics research paper would be totally objective and that, being purely rational and being reasonably universal, would also be universal.

This moral law, rational, objective, and universal, would necessarily be presented by man to all men and therefore would establish an autonomous morality. Only these features guarantee the objective and universal foundation of morality, ethics research paper, together with its autonomy, which Kant aims for above all. The itinerary to ethics research paper it is established along the Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals and the Critique of Pure Reason Kant starts with the identification of what can be totally good, without restrictions, and states that it is an evidence of common judgment that only the good will, a will that is not moved by any interest, can be entirely good.

The will is good for its intention, that is, for its own willingness. This principle cannot involve any interest, which is always subjective, but must be exclusively determined by duty, that is, by the need to act out of pure respect for the moral law or practical reason.

Briefly, the good will is ethics research paper only independent from all inclinations but also expresses the existence of a law as its sole determinant. The good will can only be determined by reason — the good will is a rational will — and its law, ethics research paper, or rational rule, has to be objectively necessary, without any relation to any end always subjective, ethics research paper.

This first formulation of the categorical imperative stresses the universality of the law, its validity to all human beings as an end in itself, subordinating all subjective interests maxim to the objectivity of the law, ethics research paper. This means that the person has an unconditional and absolute value, in ethics research paper consists in its dignity. Briefly, it is the will itself of a rational being which makes its own law, becoming legislator and obeying to the law.

Moral law is the autonomy of the will. Kant is a very influential philosopher in bioethics, and his doctrine is differently used by different theorists. Nevertheless, there are two specific issues in which the Kantian influence plays a more decisive role within bioethics, ethics research paper.

The ethics research paper one concerns two of the core principles of bioethics: autonomy and justice. These are deontological principles, ethics research paper is, they stand by themselves as basic requirements for an autonomous and secular morality: if morality is built by persons for persons, their will must be taken into account and respected, ethics research paper, to avoid violence from some to others, and all persons have to be recognized as equal and ethics research paper fairly to eliminate all kinds of injustice.

Beauchamp and Childress, on their Principles of Biomedical Ethicshave been systematically criticized for presenting four prima facie principles, which are equally binding — beneficence, nonmaleficence, ethics research paper, autonomy, and justice — but always ending up giving more weight to the principle of autonomy.

In this context, it is essential to understand ethics research paper beneficence and nonmaleficence are consequentialist principles that are only observed if they produce a good or avoid an evil; autonomy and justice are deontological principles that just need to be obeyed, regardless of the consequences. The second theme decidedly shaped by Kantian philosophy is the central role of persons, as rational beings and always considered as ends in themselves.

The principle of human dignity is, ethics research paper, formally, the most consensual worldwide and points out, in the wake of Kant, to the unconditional and intrinsic value of the person.

It is true that some libertarians, like Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. Consequently, those human beings who, for different reasons, ethics research paper, do not have the full use of reason and are not moral agents become less of a person: fetuses, children, senile, mental retarded, etc.

Nevertheless, it is fair to say that the Kantian perspective on human dignity is the most inclusive and the most influential in global bioethics. Aristotle and Kant, together with many other moral philosophers throughout history, developed their own systems within a horizon of universality. Morals require a universal framework out of which it is not even possible to talk about morals. Indeed, every single rule is only justifiable and valid if it is addressed to all members of the community in question e.

Nevertheless, throughout the twentieth century and especially in the second half, several authors challenged this universal framework due to two key factors.

The first was the fall of the ethical universals established throughout history: Man stopped considering the law of nature, natural law, as a guide for his actions and started to trust ethics research paper his educated liberty to lead him; Man also recognized that not all persons have faith in God and that even God can be differently personified and therefore could no longer be a universal foundation for human action; moreover, Man became aware that he cannot be reduced, in his identity, to reason, without affection, emotions, and subjective interests that play an important role on the decision-making process and actions.

The second key trigger of the relativistic interpretation was the development of cultural anthropology and the study of customs and traditions of different peoples widespread in the world, some of them unknown until then.

This leads to the perception that also moral values, principles, and norms, in sum morality, differed according to time and space, people, and culture and consequently to the rejection of a universal frame to morals; it leads to the announcement of a moral relativism and to the statement that all morals are worth the same, regardless of their contents and of their orientations, all due to be equally respected which would, e.

Moral relativism quickly and widely spread, perhaps due for the convenience of many to invoke what would be a subjective moral in order to nestle their own interests, to eliminate all obligation ethics research paper morals, and also due to the lack of a sound reflection on these issues from the general public opinion, ethics research paper, which would inevitably lead to the recognition of intrinsic contradictions. Beyond the logical impossibility of morality outside of a universal framework if not real, then at least aimed formoral relativism incurs in two major misunderstandings, ethics research paper.

The first one is that the so-called relativism is only real at the empirical level ethics research paper at the observational level, but it is not sustainable under a deeper reflection e.

Indeed, there are transcultural values, that is, values that are cherished by all generations of different peoples worldwide; notwithstanding, they are particularly and differently expressed at the empirical level, in different societies: all societies advocate the duty to take care of the elderly, but some members of the community will abandon them outside the community to save them from a public degeneration, and others, from a different community, will surround their elderly with specialized care in order to postpone death.

At the empirical level, the two behaviors are totally different, but both express the same obligation of caring for the elderly, and this is the second clarification in need. Cultural pluralism cannot be mistaken with moral relativism. A universal ethics remains of paramount importance. Due to the impossibility to ground a universal moral in one single tradition or school of thought, and in the absence of ethical universals, the need for a universal framework was satisfied ethics research paper the elaboration of a worldwide consensual moral: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Contrary to the former morals that were lived every-day for years before they became a matter of study and reflection and were systematized into norms, the morality of human rights was discussed and established before being experienced: the process was not inside-out, as before, but outside-in, conventionally.

Nevertheless, it is important to stress that the wider the consensus is, the narrower the content: a consensual morality is almost always a minimalist morality. In what concerns bioethics, under the current issue, there are four points that deserve to be underlined. Firstly, bioethics has always tried to oppose any kind of relativism, although respecting cultural diversity, and global bioethics is a testimony of this endeavor. Secondly, the morality of human rights is the backstage of all ethics research paper practical models of bioethics.

Thirdly, many of these theoretical-practical models of bioethics are explicitly grounded on common morality the principlism of Beauchamp and Childressand human rights are part of it, ethics research paper. And lastly, ethics research paper, it is important to underline that the morality of human rights is particularly relevant for libertarians, although they restrict ethics research paper to individual rights without taking into account social rights, as communitarians do.

Bioethics is so committed to a universal framework and in particular to the morality of human rights that, ethics research paper, today, the ones concerning the application of biology and ethics research paper to human beings are considered worldwide to correspond to the fourth generation of human rights. Conceptual accuracy is of paramount importance in philosophy and also in ethics, ethics research paper.

Particularly in ethics, ethics research paper, there is a specific terminology that is also very frequently used in daily life, ethics research paper, without the rigorous meaning soundly justified and required by a philosophical discipline. Therefore, a scholar on ethics, as well as a professional in bioethics, ethics research paper to commit to the full and accurate understanding of the concepts that reflect on human action and to their correct use and the different consequences each of them entails, to apprehend how they translate the dynamics of action into rational intelligibility and how they describe the requirements of moral life as well as the right procedure for a moral decision-making.

Some of these concepts play a major role in the analysis of action, in a rational discourse on ethics, and they all constitute specific terminology to reflect on human action. Either option has to be grounded in the etymology and the conceptual history of both.

When Ethics research paper distinguishes dianoetic dianoétikès from ethics research paper éthikè virtues, he links the adjective éthikè, ethics research paper, correlated to êthos, to the noun éthos. This interpretation was reinforced when Greek literature was translated into Latin. The specific meaning of the ancient êthos would only be recovered in the twentieth century, by the philosopher and scholar of Greek preclassic thought Martin Heidegger in his Letter on Humanism, in Aristotle, and the other authors that followed him throughout history, forgot this original significance of ethics and used this concept to designate human action oriented by a view of the good.

One can argue further that, ethics research paper, having already two different terms, with two different possible meanings to reflect on action, ethics research paper, to analyze and describe it, the use of both, distinctly, is very convenient to widen and deepen the understanding of human action. The more linguistic resources are available and used the more faithfully will thought coincide with reality.

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Ethics Research Paper Example - EssayEmpire

ethics research paper

Ethical Egoism Research Paper Topics A comparison between ethical Egoism versus virtue ethics Ethical Egoism: A philosophical position Crime and Ethical Egoism Contrast between Ethical Egoism and Psychological Egoism Impact of ethical Egoism in business Thoughtful commentary on ethical Egoism Ethics Ethics Research Paper Abstract. Ethics, as a philosophical discipline, was first structured and systematized in ancient Greece, most Introduction. Ethics, as the thought of Man about his action, is as ancient as Man itself. An evolutionist perspective From The Need Of Ethical Universalism To 7/31/ · Apart from the general ethics, the paper also examines the ethical issues researchers in India must keep in mind while conducting research. Through this paper

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