When international students are admitted in overseas universities they face a myriad of blogger.com Essay on International Students Open Always Email: support@blogger.com Call Now! + International Student's Essay Writing Center provides help and practical guidance for general essay, admission, and scholarship essay writing, as well as sample essays A students comfortability with the culture of their new home can determine their learning experience. It can be an emotional rollercoaster, being so far away from family and friends. American culture is difficult to understand. International students find Americans to be confusing. Social norms vary depending on the part of the country a person is in
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Each culture is dynamic. When international students are admitted in overseas universities they face a myriad of challenges, international student essay sample.
Some of these challenges touch on etiquette, clothing, and relating with others. I am of the opinion that the greatest challenge entails interpersonal ties. The basic measure is to learn how to blend in and learn from others. It would be essential to establish ties that are healthy and have a social appeal.
Dealing with multicultural issues at MSU for international students is an issue that is always international student essay sample to give them the best perspectives as possible.
Integrating dissimilar cultures have been known to be explosive particularly where the involved international student essay sample have ethnic and religious backgrounds that have no common acceptance. For newcomers seeking to develop friendship with MSU peers, establishing a healthy network of which are acceptable across all ethnic barriers.
Since each student has a unique background, establishing a network of friends would help considerably. An international student would be in a good position to create friendship across various cultures; the objective is an attempt to understand how other cultures behave and what their basic values in relation to individual levels. In establishing inter cultural friendship, developing positive attitude towards other cultural practices would be of great value; tolerance is of great significance in relating with others.
What the student can learn as noted in Module 4 part 2, accepting, sharing and learning with others provides a fertile ground for the international student to grow and develop. Examining the challenges international international student essay sample face, the foremost thing apparent is that they tend to be reserved and very conservative.
Such an attitude is typically fuelled by lack of companionship. To overcome such a situation the students are required to form cell groups where they can associate and learn from each other, international student essay sample. As illustrated in Module 4 part 2, dealing with cultural elements is a daunting task. For foreign students, dealing with cultural hardships such as etiquette is sometimes humiliating.
The challenges they face numerous, they are sometimes misunderstood due to the way they express themselves, or adopt the foreign traits, which could be negative to them or use their ethnic attitudes, which could be perceived to be hostile.
Etiquette happens to be one of the primary challenges faced by international students. Where issues of etiquette are established, in such circumstance the foreign students are required to be open and seek help from those with past experience.
Various studies have demonstrated that moral and ethical issues tend to be the greatest casualties of cultural differences, note that socialization is anchored on diverse elements allied to moral and ethical aspects. The values explored under Module 4 part 2, indicates international student essay sample, student may experience loneliness due to cultural barriers, which inhibits on socialization or any other form communication whether in class or outside school environment.
The other challenge foreign scholars face entail harassment, intimidation and discrimination, these attributes have forced some of foreign students to drop out of college. However, going with what MSU propagates, the foreign students are given an opportunity to seek help from the school authorities.
In most circumstances, foreign students are faced with a challenge whether to speak up or remain silent to look modest, international student essay sample. Such a situation is unhealthy to the student since it denies them a chance to open up.
The way forward is to establish friendship links with individuals who have positive attitude towards other cultures. Language may not be a major barrier since the students are in an academic establishment, international student essay sample, cultural issues such as eating, clothing or socializing habits could be a barrier most people tend to carry racial burden when in foreign countries, but at MSU students are encouraged to embrace cultural dynamics in order to fit in without feeling sidelined or discriminated.
I would suggest that making friendship with other nationals is healthy to the foreign students; the relationship helps in fostering coexistence and cooperation despite existing cultural dissimilarities witnessed within MSU environment. Due to the student needs, it would be essential for the native and foreign students to appreciate the dynamism of each other, international student essay sample. The approach is helpful in that each learns the basics from each other and in the long learn develops a solid foundation for living together.
Living together as strangers is horrifying; living as friends is satisfying and uplifting. The level of interaction is thus established by the manner the students relate and embrace other, international student essay sample. To overcome the barriers generated by cultural indifferences is a hard task; nevertheless, learning the international student essay sample basics embraced by each nationality is profound since it eliminates the cultural blackout.
What the international students are anticipated to do is learn and borrow from the host establishment since each has its own rules and regulations, international student essay sample. Foreign student need not feel separated from the larger society in their host country. Cultural dynamics have illustrated that culturally we are quite different and these differences makes us unique and beautiful. It is thus prudent to treat each other equally, learn to build positive social networks and this helps in fostering real friendship.
From racial perspective, we have unique cultural elements, which are in one way or the other conflicting. Through racial tolerance, these aspects can be harnessed to give foreign students a room to socialize with other societies. Are you looking for homework writing help? Click on Order Now button below to Submit your assignment details. Are you looking for homework writing help on Sample Essay on International Students?
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International Student's Essay Writing Center provides help and practical guidance for general essay, admission, and scholarship essay writing, as well as sample essays A students comfortability with the culture of their new home can determine their learning experience. It can be an emotional rollercoaster, being so far away from family and friends. American culture is difficult to understand. International students find Americans to be confusing. Social norms vary depending on the part of the country a person is in When international students are admitted in overseas universities they face a myriad of blogger.com Essay on International Students Open Always Email: support@blogger.com Call Now! +
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